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jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013

Can I do It?

    I am having a really hard time on deciding what i would like to do the rest of my life, and that is why I decided taking a multiple intelligence exam. They said it would help me to discover in which things I am good at and what should I do for a living. Far from that, what it did was to confuse me more, because the results I had in the M.I test where not those I expected.
     At the beginning of the year I thought I could be a good lawer, because I am always discussing with people about different things and trying to be right, also it occurred to me I could be a psychologist, I like helping people and I would like to know more about how the human mind is, plus, psychologist are well paid and nowadays people is needing it a lot.
   After finishing my first M.I test it turned out that I  have developed Intrapersonal and Interpersonal intelligences, that means that  I have the ability to get along with people really well and that I also known myself very well. Unfortunately the second time I took the test the results wer different, it turned out that I also have Linguistic intelligence developed, this means that I am good at expressing myself by talking. The third time, I found out I have a Body Kinesietic intelligence which means that I am good at performing and at sports.
    As you can see I  am having troubles finding out what am I good at and specially what I  am going to do in a future.   

                                                                           by Javier Bello

Multiple intelligence ¿an alien theory?

In the last few years, scientists have discovered that intelligence is not our IQ and the people that are not good enough in language or mathematics is stupid. The new theory about multiple intelligences says that everyone has developed different intelligences. In my case, I have developed linguistic intelligence and intrapersonal intelligence that means that I’m good at debates, writing, reading, all things related to words. Also I know very well my limits, what I can do or not, I known me very well, which means that I’m confident. According to my intelligence, I can be a good psychologist, lawyer, journalist, all things related to words and self-meditation and reflection.  The intelligences are also related to the things that you like and you don’t like, for example I like reading, debates, writing stories, telling stories, meditation, etc. Also knowing your intelligence you can know how is your best way for studding, for me is reading and underlines the main ideas, making summaries, brain storming, speaking out loud, and debating the subjects or theme that we are studding. In my opinion, knowing this it’s great because you can know a lot about yourself, your abilities and limitations and also this can help you choosing your career and do what you are good, but mainly, do what you like.