I am having a really hard time on deciding what i
would like to do the rest of my life, and that is why I decided taking a
multiple intelligence exam. They said it would help me to discover in which
things I am good at and what should I do for a living. Far from that, what it
did was to confuse me more, because the results I had in the M.I test where not
those I expected.
At the beginning
of the year I thought I could be a good lawer, because I am always discussing with
people about different things and trying to be right, also it occurred to me I could
be a psychologist, I like helping people and I would like to know more about
how the human mind is, plus, psychologist are well paid and nowadays people is
needing it a lot.
finishing my first M.I test it turned out that I have developed Intrapersonal and Interpersonal
intelligences, that means that I have
the ability to get along with people really well and that I also known myself
very well. Unfortunately the second time I took the test the results wer
different, it turned out that I also have Linguistic intelligence developed,
this means that I am good at expressing myself by talking. The third time, I found
out I have a Body Kinesietic intelligence which means that I am good at
performing and at sports.
As you can see
I am having troubles finding out what am
I good at and specially what I am going
to do in a future.
by Javier Bello
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